Monday, 24 March 2008

Big Sound System in the countryside!!!

A Wednnesday followed by a Thursday off? That's a good reason to switch from city to countryside mode!
La Vie Vu Linh, a tourism and education concept, is organizing from the 30/04 to the 5/05 a big week-end of fun, relax, discovery and party for this occasion.
For the music and the drinks, the Roots team and its DJ's will be in charge.

GOOD 2 GO!!!

Album of the month: Rootz Underground - "Movement"

The first album of the Jamaica-based group Rootz Underground, Movement is now released! If you don't know already this band formed in 2000, you should know that Rootz Underground is a truly unique roots rock reggae band with powerful lyrics and haunting melodies. Jah bless them!

Jah defenders on the pitch!!!

On April 19 and 20, a team composed with the Roots family is gonna participate to the Hanoifutsal Tournament 2008 organized by Vietnam Sport Promotion. Be sure that we will do credit to Jah Rastafari the almighty! For that, we need your support so please come to the Hoang Mai Stadium to acclaim us.

The team: Chakal a.k.a Pascal, Fred, Manu, Emerik, Péo-élo a.k.a Polo, Lee, O Dubdha a.k.a John, Guillem, Frank, Jérémy and myself Zamal a.k.a Brice

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Chi Em Project Fundraiser on Feb. 22

The Chi Em Project is organizing a fundraiser at Roots on February 2008 from 8 to 12 p.m. It's a costume party with ethnic minority as theme. Rapper Kim & DJ Kruise will perform under the wing of MC Thuy Minh. All benefits will be used to build a rice stock house in Huoi Pung village, Dien Bien province.
Fee: 50.000 VND (including a free drink & a gift for first 35 guests)

Sponsored by Dai Viet beer & Al Fresco's cafe-grill

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Album of the month: Luciano - "Jah is my Navigator"

Jah is may Navigator, here’s a reminiscent title album which explains quite well Luciano’s philosophy. Luciano used to spread only good vibes and had always stayed true to his own singing style and to his convictions. After the great 2006 Child of the King, the Jamaican returns with a fresh new set once again produced by his musical director Dean Fraser due out on February on VP Records.
Jah is may Navigatoreatures 15 new healing spirits songs, led by Jah's love. An album full of hope, where he is defending human rights and promotes humanist values. From the powerful title track ‘Jah Is My Navigator’ written by Tarrus Riley to ‘I'm The Tuffest’ featuring Andrew Tosh, Peter's son, The Messenger who is surrounded by the new singers generation, sings true roots reggae music. With ‘Sweet Jamaica’ - not to confuse with 2006 ‘Sweet Jamaica’ on Hold Tight riddim - on Pass The Kutchie riddim recut, he signs a true anthem for Jamaica.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Reggae connexion

Wherever we are, we all need good vibez. In Ha Noi, this problem have found a solution last May with the Roots Bar opening.
Maybe are you planning to go to Ibiza-Spain or to Bahia-Brazil, and afraid to be orphan of your favorite soundz... Thou shall not!!! Let's visit ReggaeBar Global in these both places! Good tunes & good drinks guaranted.

Roots Bar

2, Luong Ngoc Quyen St.
Hoan Kiem dist., Hanoi